Some Australian Tax Payers invest in properties for Negative Gearing purposes thinking it is a way to minimise tax. But is it really?
An analysis commissioned by GetUp! for the Australia Institute, NATSEM was that 34% of the tax benefits of negative gearing accrues to the richest top 10% of families.
Sadly, many of us are not one of those who benefited from negative gearing. And why am I spending $1.00 on a property, thinking that I might claim back 30 cents, which I didn't anyway! Plus getting trapped in a job for the next 50 years hoping for a tax break. Really!?
I have been doing this for 15 years to realise I have been doing it all wrong.
That's when I started collecting information, testing the market, learning the ropes and made it to where I am today, making positive cash flow from my property Investments.
You can make $400 positive cash flow each month - NOW - out of a residential property.
It's called Vendor Financing and it has been practised in Australia for over 100 years. You as the Vendor or Wrapper buys a house and onsell it to a Buyer or Wrappee who cannot obtain a bank loan. The Wrappee benefits from the banks who are tightening home loans and financing requirements. You own your investment property plus build Positive Cash Flow. You'll be seen as a "super hero" -- it's a "win-win" against the banks!
Every Super Hero needs a Mentor so let me share with you my secrets ... just download this free eBook, Positive Cash Flow Property Investing Secrets, and we will show you how.

Super Heroes
Every Super Hero needs a Mentor
Case Studies
My client, Ilham Aukusitino made $400 a month positive cash flow and later $30,000 from refinancing her property. Now you can be that super hero which means getting to positive cash flow and profits on your next property faster.
A couple with 4 children get to live in a beautiful 4-bedroom home which I purchased and making $500 a month positive cash flow. By reselling that property and refinancing it with a bank, I made $55,000.
Whether on its own or in conjunction with other property investments, my simple strategy can really turn around your success. Especially if you’re struggling with using negative gearing, I encourage you to grab my report and understand how easy it is to be successful.
- Paul Zalitis, the Aussie Wrapper
Positive Cash Flow Property Investing Secrets
Here's exactly what YOU need to know, right now, about positive cash flow property investing -- from an investor with more than 20 years experience!
Inside this FREE eBook you'll discover ...
The top 3 things you need to be successful -- and how much experience you'll need
The type of person who gets the best results with this cash flow strategy
How much you can expect to make per month, and the concept of the "big pay day"
What part of the property market offers you the best opportunity for positive cash flow deals -- know the type of home you'll be looking for
Where in Australia you can use this positive cash flow strategy
Why this strategy outweighs doing it hard for the tax benefits of negative geared property (which only makes you more of a slave to a job you might not even like)
The best way to get started -- and how long it really takes to be good at this strategy
Do you need a buyer first, or a house? It's answered here!
The surprising strategy for fast tracking your success in a property deal
Common problems you're likely to encounter
How to benefit from the banks tightening home loans and financing requirements (and why you'll be seen as a "super hero" -- it's a "win-win" against the banks!
GRAB YOUR COPY NOW ... FREE and without obligation!
Be a Super Hero. Fight the banks and take advantage of this successful Aussie investor's experience in getting started the right way with positive cash flow property investing.

I'm Paul Zalitis and I am the Aussie Wrapper
I’m here to guide you on Property Vendor Financing so you can Generate Wealth.
My eBook, Positive Cash Flow Property Investing Secrets tells you how it all works, how you can Generate Wealth, like me - but without going through the hard yards and setbacks like I did.
What I’m teaching you here is How You can Wrap a Property which is actually Property Vendor Financing. Let me explain.
Wrapping a property or property vendor financing can be a valuable tool for you to boost your cash flow and it also allows you to grow your investment portfolio.
I have been coaching highly successful investors around Australia about Positive Cashflow Property Investing. This eBook will let you gain a good foundation, and over time you can access my tools and resources on my website aussiewrapper.com.au